Sunday, November 15, 2009

Live, Learn, Return, and Pass On Part 1

A wise men said that there are three things we do in life. We live, learn, and return. So when we return, what are we returning with? Will our hands be empty, or will we have something of value to give or leave behind? The many foreigners that come over here to South Korea to teach come for many reasons. Some come over only for the purpose to make easy money, pay off any type of debt they've obtain back home, (credit card bill(s), student loans, etc.) There are also those that come over in the pursuit of happiness; whether it's to find a helpmeet, or in hopes to find themselves. And there are others whom come over to do all, some, or neither of those things, yet it's equally important to them if they've helped one person along the way. And though many of us come with one purpose or another, often times our desires (wants and/or needs) shift, or become at a halt.

Today I went Korean mask dancing at Hongbeopsa (Buddhist) Temple. It was so much fun. Yes the dancing was quite difficult and something that I wouldn't normally do; however, I had the time of my life. I'm not Buddhist; far from it. However, I wasn't worried about whether someone would try to convert me to Buddhism or not. I say all that to say, we all can learn from each other and bring value to one another. We could take some of those moves we've learned today and incorporate them into our dance steps whenever we go to a club or party. When spending time with our love ones, this experience could be one of the many things we could share when talking about our journey in South Korea. Yes I enjoyed the dancing so much; however, it was the unity amongst all persons that were in attendance that ignited me more. Negative people drain you. However, positive and balanced people spark a flame to your day.
Next month is kimchi making at the temple. Hmmmm...Will I do that? YUCK! But we'll see!

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