Friday, March 13, 2009

Will Never Be Forgotten

I had to do a family album for sure. I miss my family and friends so much. It's weird being without them. I wish I could have put enough and every last one of them in a suitcase and brought them with me; however, I would have gotten a hernia. I've been working on this simple blog all freakin day. Yes there are many others who are left out of the pictures I have posted. Yet trust me, they are indeed number one in my life. I'm definitely doing a part two to this blog. Family, (those whom are posted in the pics and not) I love you so much. And I mean that. You all are the best. Thank you for being all that you are to me. I love you so much.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

First Weekend in Busan, South Korea

I'm finally in Busan. I tell yeah. When I got dropped off at my apartment (which is a studio home), I was like what the freak? It's like so small. But it's good for me. Koreans don't live above their means like us "foreigners" do. They live below their means. Which is smart when you think about it. When some of you see the pics, you're going to laugh. I had hella trouble when I first got in here because every instruction is writen in Korean. Thank G-d for people like my new Korean friend Yujin Lee who came to my crib with Shyanne, who is one of my Canadian friends. Yujin wrote everything down for me in English to make things semi easier for me. All I have to do now is find a barbershop, work out at the fitness center near me, pray that things go super well at my school then I'll be set.
I would type more but it's 12AM Monday morning. And after partying all weekend, I need sufficient rest so that I could be productive at work tomorrow.

Later for now!!!

P.S. Party pics will be up sometime this week. Be on the look out.