So I've finally made it to South Korea. Right now I'm in Cheonan City for orientation. I leave for my city (Busan, South Korea) this Friday. Let me begin by saying, jetlag was a mutha. It was the worst during the third and fourth day here. However, I'm cool now. I haven't been out much because of orientation. Yet I've hit up the streets a little to get my celebrity on. I'm not ashamed to say that the Korean chicks are hot. Seriously. I was in denial before I got over to this side of the fence; however, many of them are impuda (Korean woman for pretty). Koreans stare like crazy. They open up to you when you speak to them in Korean. I know a few words for right now. But even the few words get me far. I must say I'm in a weird place right now. I eat rice and soup morning, noon, and night. I kid you not. Koreans eat fire kimchi for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Seriously! Eating is very strange here. And being that I'm a semi kosher keeping Messianic, it's difficult to know if I'm doing it right or not because most things I don't know what it is. LOL! The journey has just begun.